So You Want To Play a B Chord!
When you first learn guitar, the B chord is kind of glossed over… First you Learn C, A, G, E, D, and then the dreaded F chord, and then you somehow learned B7 before the B. Well if that’s you I am here to remedy your problems.
There is probably a reason the B shape is little missed, it’s the seventh in the key of C (not super applicable to easy progressions), and it’s really hard to play. But now that you’re eager to learn it, here it is.
B Chord Shape

The B chord is quite funky to play on piano, and it is also odd to play on guitar as well. It also sounds kind of strange… maybe that’s just me. But just listen to it:
Well, this bad boy is a little easier than the F chord, but really not as useful for beginners. But in order to play it properly you are going to want to:
Tip 1, Proper Finger Placement

- Your Index Finger, will barre the second fret
- Middle finger on the fourth fret of the D string
- Ring finger on the fourth fret of the G string
- Pinky finger on the fourth fret of the B string
Tip 2, Practice Barring
Like with the F chord, you need to practice applying pressure correctly. Have your elbow at your side, and your index finger should be slanted sideways.
Tip 3, A and E chord changes
The Most common changes are from the A and E to the B, so practice these once you’ve got the fingering down. This way you will be ready to use your newly learned chord in no time.
Tip 4, Alternates

I love the sound of the B7 chord, just play B7 to E, or B7, A to E that just sounds wonderful. It’s like a sassy version of the chord above, and my favorite alternative at the moment. So while you’re at it go ahead and give this chord a try.