Baritone Ukulele Strings: 4 Strings, No Problems

What are the baritone ukulele strings? The baritone ukulele has four strings, which are tuned D-G-B-E, or sometimes to the standard Ukulele tuning of G-C-E-A. The bari’s strings are typically much thicker than the other sizes of ukuleles. It is important for bari players to know what size string they need because if you put a baritone set on a soprano or concert uke the string will be too thick and it won’t play properly. So let’s get into discussing baritone ukulele strings.

Favorite Strings

Here are two of my favorite Bariton Ukulele strings:

1) D’Addario J56 baritone ukulele strings- These are the strings that I use on my bari. They have a warm, mellow sound and they’re easy to play.

D’addario also makes a set of baritone strings specifically for tenor Ukuleles, which you can find here:

2) Aquila 21U baritone ukulele strings –

These bari strings sound nice and they feel really smooth to play, although I’ve noticed that sometimes the G string will break if you’re playing aggressively.

What Are Baritone Ukulele Strings Made Of?


Most ukulele strings are made from nylon, which is a soft material that’s easy on your fingers. You’ll find baritone ukulele strings in both nylon and fluorocarbon.


The most common type of bari string is a wound baritone set with heavy-gauge nylon trebles and D’Addario’s exclusive Pro-Arté baritone Ukulele string coating. This unique, advanced formula provides a natural round wound feel and increased corrosion resistance.


Some baritone strings are made from steel, which gives the string a brighter sound than nylon. Steel strings can be harder on your fingers, so it’s important to use bari strings with a smooth coating.


These are not a very common type of string. Gut strings are usually made from sheep or cow intestine and they have a really warm, mellow sound.

baritone ukulele strings
Baritone Ukulele Strings are just slightly different than normal ukulele strings!

What Gauge Should I Use?

For baritone ukulele, you should usually go for heavy gauge strings (0.13mm). For baritone sets, the wound third is heavier than the trebles to bring out that baritone sound quality and keep it balanced across all four strings.

What Size is My Ukulele?

If you’re not sure what size your ukulele is, you can find the measurements here:

Soprano – baritone- Tenor Ukuleles have four sizes: Soprano, Concert, Tenor and Baritone. The baritone is the largest of the four types of ukuleles, but it still has the same number of strings as a soprano. It is tuned in D-G-B-E with baritone tuning just like on a guitar.

What strings do I need for Baritone Ukulele?

The strings you will need for the normal tuning of a Baritone Ukulele are D-G-B-E. You can find baritone sets of strings at most music stores.

Can you use Soprano Strings on a Baritone Ukulele?

No, I would not recommend using your Soprano strings on a Baritone. The baritone strings are much thicker and will not sound right on a Soprano or Concert Ukulele.

baritone ukulele on couch
Hopefully you understand Baritone ukulele strings

What are the Baritone Ukulele Strings called?

The baritone ukulele strings are sometimes called “G-C-E-A” because that is their order from lowest to highest pitch when tuned to concert pitch. When they are retuned to the baritone’s typical tuning, they are called “D-G-B-E”.

What is the use of each string?

The first (lowest) string on a baritone ukulele is typically tuned to D. This string is often used for playing chords or basslines.

The second string is often used for strumming or picking individual notes.

The third-string is also a baritone ukulele tuning called G and it is typically the highest-pitched string on the bari neck. It can be used to play single notes, but its most common use is as part of chords or basslines because you don’t have to reach as high on the neck.

The fourth string is tuned to E, and it is typically used for playing melodies or solos. It can also be used as part of chords or basslines.

Bari players should experiment with which strings they use for what purpose in order to find what works best for them.

Mark D.

Mark D.

Hi, I'm Mark. I've been playing instruments since I was just a little kid. I've played cello and piano for a few years, and recently picked up guitar. I've produced bad music. I also run this blog where I share interesting things I've learned. I hope you Enjoy my posts!

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