Singing Competition Shows: 5 Amazing Shows From The Past

What Are Singing Competition Shows?

Do you have a passion for singing? Or maybe you just want to give it a chance, and see where the waters take you? Here are 5 popular auditions!

Every year millions dream of a career in music, but for most of them, those dreams may never come. But thanks to a few producers who put the ideas together to host casting calls nationwide to find those people with exceptional talent and give them the chance they may never have had otherwise. Here I list 5 popular singing competition shows that are available in the US.

1. American Idol

Virtually everybody in America is familiar with this TV show that highlights thousands of nervous hopefuls trying to show producers that they have what it takes to be the “Next America Idol.” For most of these people they will get turned away, but those select few who make it through, have their lives changed forever. This year, auditions for the season are almost over. If you are anywhere near Houston, TX I suggest trying to audition! Houston is their last stop for this season and is your last chance. Auditions are Friday, August 26, at Reliant Park. The age range for American Idol is 15-28.

AMerican Idol
“American Idol?” by Joe Shlabotnik is licensed under CC BY 2.0: Singing Competition Shows Are Great Fun

2. America’s Got Talent

America’s Got Talent is like American Idol’s little brother. Not only do they accept musicians and singers, but they accept acts of any type. Everything from sword swallowing to dog acts. Musicians/singers get good opportunities on AGT, not as great as American Idol though since you are competing against a variety of different acts. They are already accepting video auditions for next season! Sign up on their website for updates and you will get an email when they are getting closer to auditions. AGT is open to all ages.

Singing Competition Shows Heidi Klum
“Heidi Klum – DSC_0071” by RedCarpetReport is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Singing Competition Shows Are Cool

3. The Voice

This is America’s semi-new music competition. You have 4 mainstream artists judging and coaching the contestants. The first judges were Blake Shelton, Adam Levine, Cee Lo Green, and Christina Aguilera . There are 3 audition cities left for the latest season of The Voice so if you want to audition, it’s important you get to cracking! The cities left are Houston TX, San Francisco CA, and Los Angeles CA. The Voice is open to everybody 16 and older.

Update Judges have changed as of now 8/19/21
The voice
Everyone loves the voice!

4. X Factor

This is America’s newest singing competition to date. Simon Cowell is judging along with Paula Abdul, LA Reid, and Nicole Scherzinger . Thousands of American’s audition for a chance at a 5 million dollar record contract with Syco/Sony Music. While live auditions are over for the first season of X Factor some video auditions are still being accepted. You can audition as a solo artist or a vocal group. The X Factor first started in Britain. Leona Lewis, who sings “Bleeding Love,” won the 3rd season of Britain’s X Factor. I predict America’s X Factor to be very successful! It is open to singers 12 and up. This is one of my favorite Singing Competition Shows.

Update Judges have changed as of now 8/19/21
X factor
“One Direction X Factor Live 121” by donkeyjacket45 is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0. Another great addition to our list of Singing Competition Shows

5. The Singing Bee

The Singing Bee isn’t known to very many people. It is showcased only on CMT as a game show where you “Don’t have to sing it well, just sing it right!” On the Singing Bee, contestants are chosen to compete in a karaoke contest, and win up to $10,000! If you like to sing, know a lot of songs, but don’t want to take things too seriously, then this would be perfect for you!

On the other hand, if you are a good country singer then this might be a good chance for you to get recognized by a country record company. Otherwise, this is just a fun competition with a chance to win money. You have to be 18 or older in order to audition.

Conclusion On Singing Competition Shows

These are the main singing competition shows that I know of. I know there are tons of other smaller competitions all over the country, but they are a little harder to find, and won’t get you as recognized. If competing isn’t your thing, try singing at open mic nights in your area. It will get you some good experience, and if you are at the right place at the right time, perhaps even some amazing connections. Never give up on your dreams!

Singing Competition Shows Goodbye

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